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FreeCameraRotateTo Method

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Public methodRotateTo(Point3D, Vector3D, Int32, FuncDouble, Double, FreeCameraAnimationNodeFreeCameraAnimationTypes) Animates the CameraPosition and UpDirection to the targetCameraPosition and targetUpDirection. The rotation preserves the TargetPosition and the distance between CameraPosition and TargetPosition. The animation takes animationDurationInMilliseconds and uses easingFunction. By default (when animationType is SphericalInterpolation), the animation uses spherical interpolation instead of linear interpolation to come from the current to the target position.
Public methodRotateTo(Point3D, Point3D, Vector3D, Int32, FuncDouble, Double, FreeCameraAnimationNodeFreeCameraAnimationTypes) Animates the CameraPosition, TargetPosition and UpDirection to the targetCameraPosition, targetTargetPosition and targetUpDirection. The animation takes animationDurationInMilliseconds and uses easingFunction. By default (when animationType is SphericalInterpolation), the animation uses spherical interpolation instead of linear interpolation to come from the current to the target position.
See Also