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BaseCameraLine3DTo2D Method

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Public methodLine3DTo2D(Point3D, Point3D, Point, Point) Converts a 3D line that is defined by startPositionWorld and endPositionWorld to a line on the screen that is defined by startPositionScreen and endPositionScreen. This method correctly handles the case when the 3D line crosses the camera near plane (goes behind the camera). In this case the line needs to be cropped at the camera near plane.
Public methodLine3DTo2D(Point3D, Point3D, Size, Point, Point) Converts a 3D line that is defined by startPositionWorld and endPositionWorld to a line on the screen that is defined by startPositionScreen and endPositionScreen. The method takes a custom Viewport3D size and does not require that this Camera class is connected to real Viewport3D. This method correctly handles the case when the 3D line crosses the camera near plane (goes behind the camera). In this case the line needs to be cropped at the camera near plane.
See Also