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Text3DFactory Methods

The Text3DFactory type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCreateCenteredText3D(Point3D, Vector3D, Vector3D, String, Color, Double, Double, Viewport3D) Create series of 3D lines that represents a 3D text. The 3D text is centered at the centerPosition.
Public methodStatic memberCreateCenteredText3D(Point3D, Vector3D, Vector3D, String, Color, Double, Double, Visual3D) Create series of 3D lines that represents a 3D text. The 3D text is centered at the centerPosition.
Public methodStatic memberCreateText3D(Point3D, Vector3D, Vector3D, String, Color, Double, Double, Viewport3D) Create series of 3D lines that represents a 3D text.
Public methodStatic memberCreateText3D(Point3D, Vector3D, Vector3D, String, Color, Double, Double, Visual3D) Create series of 3D lines that represents a 3D text.
Public methodStatic memberCreateText3DLinePositions CreateText3DLinePositions creates positions that define 3D lines created from the specified text. The positions are defined in two out parameters. The first defines a list of Point3DCollection that can be used to create multiple polylines (lines connected to each other - can be used for MultiPolyLineVisual3D). The second parameter defines a Point3DCollection that contains positions for multiple lines where the lines are not connected and each line is defined by 2 positions (can be used for MultiLineVisual3D).
Public methodStatic memberMeasureText MeasureText returns the Size of the text with the specified fontSize.
See Also