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TorusKnotMesh3D Constructor


Namespace: Ab3d.Meshes
Assembly: Ab3d.PowerToys (in Ab3d.PowerToys.dll) Version: 11.2.9104.2045
public TorusKnotMesh3D(
	Point3D centerPosition,
	int p,
	int q,
	double r1,
	double r2,
	double r3,
	int uSegments,
	int vSegments,
	bool calculateNormals = true


centerPosition  Point3D
center position
p  Int32
p parameter (number of rotations around its axis of rotational symmetry)
q  Int32
q parameter (number of rotations around a circle in the interior of the torus)
r1  Double
first radius
r2  Double
second radius
r3  Double
third radius
uSegments  Int32
number of segments along the length of the knot
vSegments  Int32
number of segments around one knot segment
calculateNormals  Boolean  (Optional)
true (by default) to calculate normals
See Also