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CameraNavigationCircles Events

The CameraNavigationCircles type exposes the following members.

Public eventAxisClicked ViewCubePlaneClicked event is fired when user clicks on ViewCube's Plane. The click is created when user presses mouse button and released it withing 1 second and does not move mouse for more than 2 pixels. Event handler can prevent processing click event with setting CancelEventHandling in ViewCubePlaneEventArgs to true.
Public eventAxisDeselected ViewCubePlaneLeave event is fired when mouse leaves one of the ViewCube's Planes.
Public eventAxisSelected ViewCubePlaneEnter event is fired when mouse enters one of the ViewCube's Planes.
Public eventBackgroundCircleEnter RotationCircleEnter event is fired when mouse enters of the ViewCube's rotation circle. When and event handler is subscribed to this event, then the default code that sets the selection brush to the rotation circle is not executed.
Public eventBackgroundCircleLeave RotationCircleLeave event is fired when mouse leaves of the ViewCube's rotation circle. When and event handler is subscribed to this event, then the default code that restores the selection brush to the rotation circle is not executed.
Public eventControlUpdated ControlUpdated event is fired after each change of this control. This can be used when we need to render this control to a bitmap to show it on an DXViewportView with DirectXOverview PresentationType.
See Also