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AnimationController Events

The AnimationController type exposes the following members.

Public eventAfterFrameUpdated AfterFrameUpdated is fired after the objects have been animated in the GoToFrame(Double) method.
Public eventAnimationCompleted AnimationCompleted is fired when the animation is completed. Animation can be completed only when AutoRepeat is false. In case AutoRepeat and AutoReverse are false the animation is completed when the LastFrameNumber is reached; when AutoReverse is true, the animation is completed when the first frame is reached again (after reversing back from the last frame). This event is not fired when StopAnimation method is called by the user (use AnimationStopped in this case). The event is only fired when StartAnimation(Boolean) or StartAnimation(Double, Boolean) method is called without parameters or with subscribeToRenderingEvent parameter set to true.
Public eventAnimationStarted AnimationStarted is fired when the animation is started with calling StartAnimation(Boolean) or StartAnimation(Double, Boolean) method.
Public eventAnimationStopped AnimationStopped is fired when the animation is stopped with calling StopAnimation.
Public eventBeforeFrameUpdated BeforeFrameUpdated is fired before the objects are animated in the GoToFrame(Double) method.
See Also