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InstancedGeometryVisual3D Class
InstancedGeometryVisual3D is a WPF Visual3D object that can be used to define a MeshGeometry3D that will be rendered multiple times as instances where each instace can have its own color and its own world matrix (defines scale, rotation and translation). It is also possible to specify the SpecularMaterial that is used by all instances. InstancedGeometryVisual3D is shown with DirectX rendering with using super fast object instancing. In WPF rendering it is rendered as multiple GeometryModel3D objects inside Model3DGroup.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab3d.Visuals
Assembly: Ab3d.DXEngine.Wpf (in Ab3d.DXEngine.Wpf.dll) Version: 1.1.5815.1040
public class InstancedGeometryVisual3D : ModelVisual3D

The InstancedGeometryVisual3D type exposes the following members.

Public methodInstancedGeometryVisual3D
Public propertyInstancesData
Gets or sets an array of InstanceData structs that define the world transformations (positions, scales, rotations) and colors or instanced geometry objects. After each change of InstancesData user must call Update method.
Public propertyIsBackFaceMaterial
Gets or sets a Boolean that specifies if this InstancedGeometryVisual3D is rendering front or back faces of the MeshGeometry3D. Default value is false which means that front face materials are rendered.
Public propertyIsWpfHitTestVisible
Gets or sets a Boolean that specifies if WPF hit testing can be done on the instanced 3D objects when rendered with DirectX hardware acceleration. When IsWpfHitTestVisible is true then InstancedGeometryVisual3D always creates WPF's Model3D objects that are used by WPF's hit testing. This can increase initialization time. Default value is false.
Public propertyMeshGeometry3D
Gets MeshGeometry3D that is used by this InstancedGeometryVisual3D
Public propertySpecularMaterial
Gets material that is used as a base material for this InstancedGeometryVisual3D. BaseMaterial can provide additional specular material properties.
Public methodUpdate
Update method must be called after InstancesData are changed to update the drawn geometry.
See Also