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RenderingStepsList Class

RenderingStepsList is a collection of rendering steps. It provides additional methods to add rendering steps before and after specific rendering step.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab3d.DirectX
Assembly: Ab3d.DXEngine (in Ab3d.DXEngine.dll) Version: 7.1.9105.2048 (
public sealed class RenderingStepsList : ICollection<RenderingStepBase>, 
	IEnumerable<RenderingStepBase>, IEnumerable, ICollection

The RenderingStepsList type exposes the following members.

Public methodRenderingStepsList Constructor
Public propertyCount Gets number of rendering steps
Public propertyFirstRenderingStep Gets first rendering step
Public propertyLastRenderingStep Gets last rendering step
Public propertyName Gets name of this RenderingStepsList.
Public methodAdd(RenderingStepBase) Adds rendering step after the last rendering step
Public methodAdd(RenderingStepBase) Adds multiple rendering steps after the last rendering step
Public methodAddAfter(RenderingStepBase, RenderingStepBase) Adds rendering step (renderingStepToAdd) after the specified rendering step (existingRenderingStep)
Public methodAddAfter(RenderingStepBase, RenderingStepBase) Adds multiple rendering steps after the specified rendering step (existingRenderingStep)
Public methodAddBefore(RenderingStepBase, RenderingStepBase) Adds rendering step (renderingStepToAdd) before the specified rendering step (existingRenderingStep)
Public methodAddBefore(RenderingStepBase, RenderingStepBase) Adds multiple rendering steps before the specified rendering step (existingRenderingStep)
Public methodClear Removes all rendering steps
Public methodContains Returns true if the specified rendering step exist in this RenderingStepList.
Public methodCopyTo Copies all rendering steps from this list into the specified array. The array must be preallocated to the number of elements in this list.
Public methodFindFirst(String, Boolean) Returns the first RenderingStep with the specified specified name. If the RenderingStep is not found, then null is returned.
Public methodFindFirstT(Boolean) Returns the first RenderingStep of the specified T type. If the RenderingStep is not found, then null is returned.
Public methodFindFirstT(String, Boolean) Returns the first RenderingStep of the specified T type and specified name. If the RenderingStep is not found, then null is returned.
Public methodFindLast(String, Boolean) Returns the last RenderingStep with the specified specified name. If the RenderingStep is not found, then null is returned.
Public methodFindLastT(Boolean) Returns the last RenderingStep of the specified T type. If the RenderingStep is not found, then null is returned.
Public methodFindLastT(String, Boolean) Returns the last RenderingStep of the specified T type and specified name. If the RenderingStep is not found, then null is returned.
Public methodForEach ForEach executes the action for each rendering step and passes the rendering step as an argument to the action.
Public methodRemove Removes the specified rendering step from this list
Public methodRemoveFirst Removes the rendering list that is the first in this list
Public methodRemoveLast Removes the rendering list that is the last in this list
Public methodToString Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Overrides ObjectToString)
Public eventRenderingStepsListChanged RenderingStepsListChanged event is triggered each time this RenderingStepsList is changed.
See Also