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DXAttributeCollection Class

DXAttributeCollection contains one or more DXEngine's attributes (DXAttribute) that can be attached to WPF object.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab3d.DirectX
Assembly: Ab3d.DXEngine.Wpf (in Ab3d.DXEngine.Wpf.dll) Version: 7.1.9105.2048
public class DXAttributeCollection

The DXAttributeCollection type exposes the following members.

Public methodDXAttributeCollection Constructor
Public propertyAttributesCount Gets the number of attributes in this collection.
Public propertyItem Gets or sets the attribute with specified type.
Public methodClearAllAttributes Clears all DXAttributeType in this collection.
Public methodClearValue Clears the value from DXAttributeType so that IsValueSet(DXAttributeType) method returns false for that DXAttributeType.
Public methodGetAllAttributes Returns a copy of this collection as array of DXAttribute
Public methodGetValue Gets the value of the specified DXAttributeType or throws an exception if the DXAttributeType was not set. Use GetValueOrDefault(DXAttributeType), GetValueOrDefaultT(DXAttributeType) or GetValueOrDefaultT(DXAttributeType, T) to prevent throwing exception when the value is not set.
Public methodGetValueOrDefault(DXAttributeType) Gets the value of the specified attributeType as object or null if the specified attributeType is not set.
Public methodGetValueOrDefaultT(DXAttributeType) Gets the value of the specified attributeType or a default value if the specified type T if the attributeType was not set.
Public methodGetValueOrDefaultT(DXAttributeType, T) Gets the value of the specified attributeType or a defaultValue if the specified type T if the attributeType was not set.
Public methodIsValueSet Returns true if the specified attributeType was set (result is true even if the value is null).
Public methodSetValue Sets the value to the attribute with specified attributeType.
Public methodSubscribeAttributeChanged SubscribeAttributeChanged subscribes specified dxAttributeChangedHandler to be notified when any attribute in this DXAttributeCollection is changed. This method uses WeakReference to store the dxAttributeChangedHandler. If dxAttributeChangedHandler is already subscribed to changes, then it will not be subscribed again.
Public methodToString Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Overrides ObjectToString)
Public methodUnsubscribeAttributeChanged UnsubscribeAttributeChanged unsubscribes the specified dxAttributeChangedHandler from being notified about attribute changes.
See Also