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RenderablePrimitiveBase Properties

The RenderablePrimitiveBase type exposes the following members.

Public propertyIsBackFaceMaterial IsBackFaceMaterial specifies if the material is used to render front (IsBackFaceMaterial == false) or back (IsBackFaceMaterial == true) faces. This property gets or set the flag from RenderingFlags field.
Public propertyIsCastingShadow IsCastingShadow specifies if this object casts shadow. This property gets or set the flag from RenderingFlags field.
Public propertyIsFrontCounterClockwise IsFrontCounterClockwise specifies the orientation of the positions in the 3D geometry - if true than the positions are oriented in a counter clockwise manner. This property gets or set the flag from RenderingFlags field.
Public propertyIsReceivingShadow IsReceivingShadow specifies if this object receives shadow. This property gets or set the flag from RenderingFlags field.
Public propertyIsVisible When IsVisible property is false this prevents rendering the RenderablePrimitiveBase. This property gets or set the flag from RenderingFlags field.
Public propertyIsWorldMatrixIdentity Boolean that specifies if WorldMatrix is identity. This property gets or set the flag from RenderingFlags field.
See Also