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WpfModelVisual3DNode Properties

The WpfModelVisual3DNode type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberIsCheckingChildrenForChangesDefaultValue Gets or sets a static Boolean value that specifies the default value for IsCheckingChildrenForChanges. By default the IsCheckingChildrenForChanges is set to true except for all objects derived from Ab3d.Visuals.BaseModelVisual3D (BoxVisual3D, SphereVisual3D, etc.). But you can set this static field to true and manually set the IsCheckingChildrenForChanges to false on a few objects that you want to check for children changes.
Public propertyStatic memberIsPreservingHiddenObjectsInMemory Gets or sets a static Boolean value that specifies if DXEngine optimizes handling of IsVisible property for objects derived from BaseVisual3D from Ab3d.PowerToys library. In case the value is true and IsVisible property is set to false, then all the DirectX and WPF objects are preserved in the memory so that when IsVisible is set back to true this can happen instantly (without any creation of DirectX resources). Default value is true.
Public propertyMaterialEffect Gets or sets the Effect that will render this WpfGeometryModel3DNode. If null, a standard effect will be used (effect set in EffectsManager as standard effect)
Public propertyModelVisual3D Gets the WPF's ModelVisual3D that is used to initialize this WpfModelVisual3DNode
Public propertyStatic memberOptimizeWpfIsVisibleChangeProcessing Gets or sets a static Boolean value that specifies if Abd3.DXEngine optimizes handling the IsVisible property changes. When this is optimized, the 3D objects are not removed from the scene tree but are just skipped when rendering. This means that all the DirectX resources are preserved and the change from hidden to visible objects is very fast. When false, the objects that are hidden are removed from scene tree. This property do not have any effect when scene is not rendered with Abd3.DXEngine. See remarks for more info. Default value is true.
See Also