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NormalDepthEffect Properties

The NormalDepthEffect type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCustomFarPlaneDistance When zero (by default), then camera's FarPlaneDistance is used instead of this value.
Public propertyNormalizeValues Gets or sets a nullable Boolean value that when set specifies if normal and depth values are normalized to range from 0 to 1 (can be stored in UNORM format). When false, then actual normal vectors are preserved and actual linear depth value is use (in range from 0 to FarPlaneDistance). This requires FLOAT format. When not set (by default), then currently bind back buffer format is checked and if FLOAT format is used, then actual values are used.
Public propertyRequiredInputLayoutType Gets the input layout that is required to render this effect.
(Overrides EffectRequiredInputLayoutType)
Public propertyTransformNormalsToViewSpace Gets or sets a Boolean that specifies if normals are transformed into view space (multiplied by View matrix). This is used for Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO). False by default.
See Also