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DXView Properties

The DXView type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBackgroundColor Gets or sets a background color for DXView (this color is used to clear the DirectX back buffer). Default color is Transparent.
Public propertyChildDXViews When this DXView is a master DXView (some other DXView objects were created by passing this DXView in a constructor), then the method returns a list of child DXView objects. Otherwise null is returned.
Public propertyD3DHost Gets D3DHost control (set only when DirectXOverlay PresentationType is used)
Public propertyDisableWpfResizingOfRenderedImage Gets or sets a Boolean that specifies if WPF can use linear filtering (when false) to resize the rendered image so that it fits the area to a subpixel values. Default value is false to exactly match (to subpixel value) the size of the rendered image and exactly align it to other WPF objects. This may produce more blurred image. When set to true, a sharper rendered image is shown because the exact same image is shows as rendered by DXEngine (setting NearestNeighbor to DXImage SetBitmapScalingMode).s This requires that the root Window element or parent element that sets the size for DXViewportView (for example Grid) has UseLayoutRounding set to true otherwise image tearing can appear.
Public propertyDisposables Disposables can be used to simply add IDisposable objects to a list that is automatically disposed when this object is disposed.
Public propertyDpiScaleX Gets or sets a double that represents a DPI scale factor in X direction: 1 means 96 DPI, 1.5 means 144 DPI, etc. (double.NaN is default value and means system default DPI setting - on loaded the double.NaN value is replaced by the system default DPI value).
Public propertyDpiScaleY Gets or sets a double that represents a DPI scale factor in Y direction: 1 means 96 DPI, 1.5 means 144 DPI, etc. (double.NaN is default value and means system default DPI setting - on loaded the double.NaN value is replaced by the system default DPI value).
Public propertyDXFinalPixelSize Gets size of shown rendering area in pixels (DXRenderSize is multiplied by DpiScale). In case of super-sampling this value is smaller than DXRenderPixelSize.
Public propertyDXImage Gets used DXImage control (set only when DirectXImage PresentationType is used)
Public propertyDXRenderPixelSize Gets size in pixels of back buffer that is used to render the 3D scene (DXRenderSize is multiplied by DpiScale and with SupersamplingFactor). To get size of shown rendering area in pixels (this size multiplied by dpi scale) see DXFinalPixelSize.
Public propertyDXRenderSize Gets size of shown rendering area in WPF units. To get size of shown rendering area in pixels (this size multiplied by dpi scale) see DXFinalPixelSize. To get size of back buffer that is used by rendering (this size multiplied by dpi scale and super-sampling factor, see the DXRenderPixelSize
Public propertyDXScene Gets used DXScene that contains the WPF scene converted into DXSceneNode objects
Public propertyGraphicsProfiles Gets or sets an array of GraphicsProfile objects that specify graphics settings that are supported by this DXView.
Public propertyId Gets a unique id of this component
Public propertyIsAutomaticallyUpdatingDXScene Gets or sets a Boolean that specifies if DXView is calling DXScene's Update (checking for changed in all SceneNodes) on every WPF's rendering event. When IsAutomaticallyUpdatingDXScene is set to false, this can improve performance but you need to manually call Update method after each change of the objects. Default value is true.
Public propertyIsDisposed Gets a Boolean that specifies if this resource has been disposed.
Public propertyIsSceneInitialized Gets a Boolean that specifies if the DXView has been initialized by InitializeScene method where DXScene was initialized with the UsedGraphicsProfile (also creates DXScene, DXDevice and other related objects).
Public propertyIsTransparencySortingEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean that specifies if sorting transparent objects by their distance to the camera is enabled. This property sets the DXScene.IsTransparencySortingEnabled property. Default value is false. See remarks for more info.
Public propertyIsWaitingInBackgroundUntilRendered Gets or sets a Boolean value that is used only when PresentationType is set to DirectXImage. In DirectXImage presentation type the DXEngine needs to wait until graphics card finish rendering the scene. Then the engine can inform (invalidate) the WPF's D3DImage that the shared texture is prepared. When IsWaitingInBackgroundUntilRendered property is true (by default) then the CompleteRenderingStep is not waiting on the main thread. Instead the waiting is done on the background thread and when it is completed then the invalidation is done on the main thread. When IsWaitingInBackgroundUntilRendered is false, then the waiting is done on the main thread.
Public propertyMasterDXView When MasterDXView is set, then this DXView is a child DXView and renders the 3D scene defined in the masterDXView.DXScene.
Public propertyPresentationType Gets or sets an enum that specifies how the 3D scene is presented to the WPF rendering engine. Default value is DirectXImage.
Public propertyUsedGraphicsProfile Gets a GraphicsProfile that is used by DXView.
See Also