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ContexStatesManager Properties

The ContexStatesManager type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBlendState
Gets or sets the current BlendState
Public propertyConstantBufferChangesCount
Gets number of times constant buffer is changed after last call to ResetChangesCount.
Public propertyDepthStencilState
Gets or sets the current DepthStencilState
Public propertyGeometryShader
Gets or sets the current GeometryShader
Public propertyIndexBuffersChangesCount
Gets number of times index buffer is changed after last call to ResetChangesCount.
Public propertyInputLayout
Gets or sets the current InputLayout
Public propertyIsBlendStateLocked
If set to true than the current BlendState cannot be changed until IsBlendStateLocked is set to false.
Public propertyIsDepthStencilStateLocked
If set to true than the current DepthStencilState cannot be changed until IsDepthStencilStateLocked is set to false.
Public propertyIsFrontCounterClockwise
Gets a boolean that is the same as the IsFrontCounterClockwise value in RasterizerState (this is an cached value and do not require a native GetDescription call on each getter call)
Public propertyIsRasterizerStateLocked
If set to true than the current RasterizerState cannot be changed until IsRasterizerStateLocked is set to false.
Public propertyIsSamplerStateLocked
If set to true than the current SamplerState cannot be changed until IsSamplerStateLocked is set to false.
Public propertyPixelShader
Gets or sets the current PixelShader
Public propertyPrimitiveTopology
Gets or sets the current PrimitiveTopology
Public propertyRasterizerState
Gets or sets the current RasterizerState
Public propertyShaderChangesCount
Gets number of times shader is changes after last call to ResetChangesCount.
Public propertyStateChangesCount
Gets number of state changes after last call to ResetChangesCount.
Public propertyVertexBuffersChangesCount
Gets number of times vertex buffer is changed after last call to ResetChangesCount.
Public propertyVertexShader
Gets or sets the current VertexShader
See Also