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ThickLineEffectCustomWireframeRasterizerState Property

Gets or sets a RasterizerState that can be used when 3D lines are drawn without using geometry shader. If not set then DxDevice.CommonStates.WireframeMultisample is used.

Namespace: Ab3d.DirectX.Effects
Assembly: Ab3d.DXEngine (in Ab3d.DXEngine.dll) Version: 7.1.9105.2048 (
public RasterizerState CustomWireframeRasterizerState { get; set; }

Property Value


CustomWireframeRasterizerState gets or sets a RasterizerState that can be used when 3D lines are drawn without using geometry shader.

If CustomWireframeRasterizerState is null then DxDevice.CommonStates.WireframeMultisample is used.

Using other states from DxDevice.CommonStates has the following effect:
WireframeMultisample - shows all lines antialiased (when showing huge number of lines can be significantly slower then showing non-antialiased lines)
WireframeCullNone - shows all lines without antialiasing
WireframeCullClockwise - hides hidden lines without antialiasing
WireframeCullCounterClockwise - shows only hidden lines without antialiasing

It is also possible to set any custom state to CustomWireframeRasterizerState.

See Also