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Ab3d.DirectX.PostProcessing Namespace

Ab3d.DXEngine.PostProcessing namespace contains post process effects that can be used in DXEngine.
Public classBlackAndWhitePostProcess BlackAndWhitePostProcess is a simple SimplePixelShaderPostProcess that converts the scene into black and white scene.
Public classColorOverlayPostProcess ColorOverlayPostProcess is a post process that can add the specified color to each pixel and then multiply the color by the specified ColorMultiplier.
The following operation is executed in the shader: finalColor = float4((color.rgb + AddedColor), color.a) * ColorMultiplier
Public classDownSamplePostProcess DownSamplePostProcess is a post process that can down-sample a bigger texture to a smaller texture. It is using linear sampler on the graphics card to combine multiple pixels into one final pixel. To use a down-sampler with advanced filter use DownSampleWithFilerPostProcess.
Public classDownSampleWithFilerPostProcess DownSampleWithFilerPostProcess is a post process that can down-sample a bigger texture to a smaller texture. It is using a special slightly rotated pattern (filter) to sample the pixels on a bigger texture in such a way that colors from many pixels are read. This produces better results that simple linear filter that is used in DownSamplePostProcess.
Public classExpandPostProcess ExpandPostProcess renders an outline in a two pass (horizontal and vertical) post process.
Public classGammaCorrectionPostProcess GammaCorrectionPostProcess is a post process that can apply a custom gamma correction to the rendered image.
The following operation is executed in the shader: finalColor = float4(pow(color.rgb, 1.0 / Gamma), color.a)
Public classGaussianBlurPostProcess GaussianBlurPostProcess applies horizontal or vertical gaussian blur post process.
Public classNormalDepthEdgeDetectionPostProcessing SoberEdgeDetectionPostProcess is a post process that can be used to find the edges of the object.
Public classPostProcessBase PostProcessBase is a base class for all post processes in DXEngine.
Public classSeparableKernelPostProcess SeparableKernelPostProcess applies horizontal or vertical gaussian post process. It uses array of offsets and weights to define how the pixels are processed (size of the arrays is defined by the filterSize specified in the constructor - max value is 15). This post process usually needs to be rendered in two passes - one vertical and one horizontal.
Public classSimpleBlurPostProcess SimpleBlurPostProcess applies horizontal or vertical simple blur post process. This blur simply set the color of each pixel with equally averaging its color with the neighboring colors. Number of neighboring colors is define by FilterWidth property.
Public classSimplePixelShaderPostProcess SimplePixelShaderPostProcess class defines post process effects that use a pixel shader to render the post process. The SimplePixelShaderPostProcess is derived from the StandardPostProcess that defines the vertex shader that prepares the full screen quad used by the pixel shader.
Public classSoberEdgeDetectionPostProcess SoberEdgeDetectionPostProcess is a post process that can be used to find the edges of the object.
Public classStandardPostProcess StandardPostProcess class is a base abstract class for all post process effects that are created by rendering a full screen quad (rectangle with two triangles) and have the post process logic in pixel shader that is defined by the derived classes. The StandardPostProcess by default uses the PostProcessingVertexShader.vs vertex shader that prepares the quad for the pixel shader.
Public classToNonPremultipliedAlphaPostProcess ToNonPremultipliedAlphaPostProcess is a simple SimplePixelShaderPostProcess that converts texture rendered with pre-multiplied alpha to a texture without pre-multiplied alpha.
Public classToonShadingPostProcess ToonShadingPostProcess is a simple SimplePixelShaderPostProcess that reduces the amount of colors in the scene (combining similar colors into one color) and creating a look like the scene would be rendered for a cartoon.