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MeshObjectNodeUpdateMesh Method

UpdateMesh method needs to be called when the Mesh has been recreated or when SubMeshes data has changed (StartIndexLocation, IndexCount and MaterialIndex do not require regeneration of RenderingQueues). This method updates the RenderableMeshPrimitive that was added to the RenderingQueue.

Namespace: Ab3d.DirectX
Assembly: Ab3d.DXEngine (in Ab3d.DXEngine.dll) Version: 7.1.9105.2048 (
public void UpdateMesh()

UpdateMesh method needs to be called when the Mesh has been recreated or when SubMeshes data has changed (StartIndexLocation, IndexCount and MaterialIndex do not require regeneration of RenderingQueues).

This method updates the RenderableMeshPrimitive that was added to the RenderingQueue.

This call can set the following DirtyFlags on this SceneNode:
- MeshVertexBufferDataChanged when this mesh was already shown and when only vertex buffer is changed - no need to regenerate the RenderingQueues
- MeshIndexBufferDataChanged when this mesh was already shown and when only SubMesh data are changed - no need to regenerate the RenderingQueues
- MeshChanged when RenderingQueues need to be regenerated

See Also