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RenderableGeometryBase Fields

The RenderableGeometryBase type exposes the following members.

Public fieldFlags
Flags can be used by Materials to add some values that could be used to improve performace. Currently they are used by StandardEffect (DirectionalLightShader and SuperShader) to mark which constant buffer values are the same as in the previous RenderableGeometryBase.
Public fieldIsBackFaceMaterial
IsBackFaceMaterial specifies if the material is used to render front (IsBackFaceMaterial == false) or back (IsBackFaceMaterial == true) faces.
Public fieldIsFrontCounterClockwise
IsFrontCounterClockwise specifies the orientation of the positions in the 3D geometry - if true than the positions are oriented in a counter clockwise manner.
Public fieldIsWorldMatrixIdentity
Boolean that specifies if WorldMatrix is identity
Public fieldMaterial
Material as readonly
Public fieldWorldInverseTransposeMatrix
The world matrix that is inversed and transposed (normals are multiplied with this matrix)
Public fieldWorldMatrix
The world matrix
See Also