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DXDevice Fields

The DXDevice type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberLogger Logger object is always null in release build.
Public fieldStatic memberMaxTextureDimension Max width or height of the texture in DirectX 11.
Public fieldStatic memberNoMultisamplingSampleDescription SampleDescription that is used to define no multisampling
Public fieldResourcesCache Gets or sets an IDisposable object that can be used for caching the resources created on this DXDevice. This property is used by DXViewportView to cache WpfMaterial, DXMeshGeometry3D and SceneNodes objects created from WPF objects. It is not recommended to set this property to any other value.
Public fieldStatic memberStandardBufferFormat Standard back buffer format (Default value B8G8R8A8_UNorm is required by WPF)
Public fieldStatic memberStandardDepthStencilFormat Standard format for DepthStencil buffer (D32_Float - 32 bit depth buffer, no stencil buffer)
Public fieldStatic memberStandardSwapEffect Gets or sets a SwapEffect that is used to create the SwapChain (if supported by the operating system and device). By default this value is set to FlipDiscard that is used if supported by OS. Otherwise FlipSequential is used and if this is not supported then Discard is used.
See Also